Violet Reyes

  • What to Expect Before Your Colonoscopy

    Colonoscopies are useful for identifying a number of conditions. Your doctor may request one if you're showing signs of bowel cancer, Crohn's or polyps. The procedure involves inserting a thin camera to look at your colon and take biopsies. To ensure the procedure is successful, there are a number of steps you'll need to take first. Adjusting Your Diet When you receive a letter notifying you of your appointment, you'll usually be advised on making adjustments to your diet.
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  • Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous About Your Upcoming Hearing Test

    If you have been having problems with hearing lately or if your doctor has recommended that it's a good idea for you to have a hearing test done, then you might be pretty nervous. Many people are nervous about having hearing tests done. However, you don't have to be nervous about this test. In fact, you probably shouldn't be for these reasons. Your Audiologist Should Be Very Experienced It's ideal to have a hearing test done by a qualified audiologist.
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  • Can Antidepressants Help Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

    If changes to your diet and eating habits don't help bring your IBS under control, then your doctor might suggest trying different types of medication. For example, some IBS sufferers find that antidepressants help them manage this condition. How does this work? Manage Pain Signals Your IBS triggers pain signals in your system. When you have a flare-up, you feel pain and discomfort because what happens in your stomach and bowels sends a message to the pain receptors in your brain.
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  • 3 Health-Related Complications That Affect a Significant Percentage of Women

    Though diseases affect everyone equally, some of them tend to be more prevalent in women than men. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of women live with these problems without knowing it. Luckily, with the proper measures, you can prevent most of these complications and live a healthy life. The first step is to know these issues so that you can take the necessary preventative measures. Read on to learn some common diseases affecting women's health.
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  • Prenatal Genetic Screening Discussed in Detail for First-time Pregnancies

    Genetic screening is a terminology used to identify a small group of people within a larger population. These people have a disposition to genetic disorders. Particularly, the group in question is at a high risk of developing a genetic disease, having that disorder or bearing children with a genetic disorder. Prenatal genetic screening is essential for the early detection of genetic disorders before you give birth to a child. It helps doctors intervene in good time with measures for managing the disease.
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  • The Early Detection Tests That Could Save Your Life

    Millions of Australians suffer from chronic genetic diseases that they never had any way to avoid. For some people diseases are hereditary, and your DNA has decided what illnesses you are predisposed to before you were even born. This might sound like quite a pessimistic situation, but there are things that you can do to work from the front against any possible diseases. For just as DNA can condemn you to a disease, so it can also warn you about this increased risk.
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  • Making It Easier to Talk to Your GP About Mental Health

    There are times people dread going to see their doctor, often if they have embarrassing problems that make them feel self-conscious. It's not just sensitive physical complaints that can make people put off a doctor's visit, though. Another situation where you might find it difficult to get yourself to your GP is when you need to discuss your mental health. To get help with a mental health issue, general practitioners will normally be the first point of contact.
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  • 4 Treatment Options For Thyroid Cancer

    Thyroid cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the thyroid gland. It affects the gland's production of hormones that assist the body in utilising energy causing weakness, fatigue and muscle aches among other problems. Although it is not a commonly occurring cancer, its incidence in Australia is increasing significantly. Here are some treatment options for thyroid cancer. 1.  Surgery The initial treatment for thyroid cancer in many cases is usually surgery.
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  • Clinical Pilates: Can It Help Your Lower Back Pain?

    If you suffer from debilitating back pain and would like an alternative form of treatment other than prescription medication, you may want to consider clinical pilates. This type of pilates largely focuses on correcting your posture, strengthening your core, enhancing your balance and improve your overall flexibility. The main difference between clinical pilates and traditional pilates is that the former provides you with a personalised approach when determining the course of treatment your specific back pain would require.
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  • Health Tips Your Doctors Want You to Know

    Sometimes paying a visit to your doctor is unavoidable. At other times, simple health advice can prevent you from needing to attend a doctor's clinic. While there are lots of areas of medicine where you could take control of your health yourself, here are some top tips your doctor may want you to know.  Sticking cotton buds in your ear isn't a good idea The area inside your ear is sensitive, prone to infection, and easy to injure.
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